Joker (2019)

An ultra-dark sociopathological study steeped in deep nihilistic psychology with wildly-violent social commentary, Joker is A Clockwork Orange x Taxi Driver x RFAD with a career performance by Phoenix on the origins of supervillains. 8.7/10.

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A Clockwork Orange (1971)

One of the most stylized depictions of violence & teenage spirit ever filmed with a cleverly-meta juxtaposition of insouciant classical waltzes & sadistic thrills by its psychologically-twisted protagonist, A.C.O.’s striking dystopian mastercraft. 9.4/10.

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Psycho (1960)

A legacy of immortality jumpstarting horror & creating slashers with a once-in-a-lifetime Shower Scene that changed the course of cinematic history, Hitchcock’s Psycho: voyeuristic, avant-garde horror/thriler/noir/detectve masterpiece. 9.8/10.

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Death Note (2007)

The Greatest Animé Of All-Time, D.N.: chef d’oeuvre like nothing else in TV history from complex divine/mankind justice & religion themes to nightmare chiaroscuro, nihilistic prolix vs. God, hyperimaginative supernature, noirisms, wild twists. 10/10.

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